Saturday, September 29, 2007

Becoming a CPA

Becoming a CPA, or Certified Public Accountant, is not easy. In addition to testing that an accountant must undergo in order to become a CPA, you can expect a lot of education and training to get there. The first attribute a CPA needs is a desire to go into accounting. Besides desire you must also have an aptitude for math and numbers, as well as organization. Someone desiring to become a CPA must also possess a good sense of moral values and business ethics.
Once you have decided that you want to pursue an accounting career, you must decide if becoming a CPA is the right type of accountant. To make this decision you need to know what a CPA actually does. Whether employed individually or within a public accounting firm a CPA specializes in tax or audit services. The CPA provides services on a fee basis for the public in general rather than a specific corporation or company Working with a diversity of customers and situations provides a wide variety to your CPA career.

Although starting salary figures may not seem fantastic they are very competitive. A CPA can easily start out making enough money to be considered middle-class income level, which is not a bad place to start in today's society.

Once you have decided that you want to become a CPA, you must attend a college or university to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. Requirements set by a Board of Accountancy or similar department or agency will tell you how many credit hours of your education must be in accounting related courses in order to become a CPA.

Once you have completed your degree, the Board of Accountancy will want you to undergo testing to see if you can become a certified CPA. They test your knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles, accounting laws, and accounting regulations for your state but may also include ethics examination as well as tax law and principles.

Because CPAs have a lot of opportunity to commit fraud and embezzlement crime, some Boards of Accountancy may require you to provide them with references from people that can attest to your work ethic and moral character. Since these aspects of a CPA are very important, only people who have demonstrated good moral character and a sense of ethics are allowed to receive a CPA license.

After all requirements are met, your state will issue you a license to practice as a CPA. This license allows you to go to any firm and apply for a position or, if you prefer, you could start your own small firm and practice as alone. For more information about becoming a CPA, you should contact your Board of Accountancy or local college or university today.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Why take online training

You can learn anything by playing around with it on your own for a couple of days or maybe even years but, seeking online training can be more efficient With any subject you can do so many things that your knowledge and skills can be channeled into a career. But you will probably never be able to reach your full potential, unless you take advantage of training

If you become serious about using anything as a tool for advancing any aspect of your life, then you will go on learning how to do new things as long as want. But the great thing about training is that it can get you started in a short time. One of the first things that any training can teach you is how to do many things quickly.

Most of us have had our share of users' manuals and how-to books that pack much more information than we need in the beginning, and often their sheer volume is discouraging. It takes the enjoyment and spontaneity out of the learning process quickly.

Being a cross between tradition classroom and self study, online tutorials and training courses are a much more effective medium for learning the techniques and skills you need in order to get the most out of anything you choose. The wonderful thing about online training is that with many courses show you how to do everything step by step, click by click. It's much easier to follow and grasp than it is to follow instruction manuals that are often boring. Even training based on message boards and question and answer threads is a huge improvement over traditional text books and manuals alone.

Text books and manuals are most effective when used as reference books. If you run into a specific problem, the manual can help troubleshoot and fix the problem in a hurry, simply because it covers so much in one place. But when it comes to a task like getting started, it is faster and easier to stay motivated by breaking down the learning process into manageable segments. This is what good online training does best. It takes you one step at a time, focusing on one skill until you've got it down before moving onto the next skill.

It has never been easier to learn. It is easy to become discouraged when you don’t know how to do things. If online training had been available before, I'm sure I would be a much more advanced today. Sign up for a training course today and discover how it can help you achieve your full potential.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Dollars and Cents of a Four-Year Degree

The longer you stay in school the better off you are when it comes to earning potential over the course of your lifetime. Recent estimates have found when it comes to the importance of an education there are some rather astonishing figures to support the claim of higher earning.

A high school diploma will net the average individual an additional $200,000 income over a lifetime. Some college without a degree will increase that figure an additional $150,000 totaling $350,000. A four-year degree increases this figure another $500,000 to total $850,000 in earning potential over the course of a lifetime. These figures can be found to be a nice motivator for going back and finishing a degree.

Businesses need a defining factor by which to narrow down the field of potential employees. That factor is often a college degree. Since ability and capabilities are among the things you just can't see on a piece of paper, education is used. Even though a person's education may not be a true measurement of his or her actual ability, it is often used in the business world to narrow down the growing field of applicants.

This may not seem fair to the many people who have the practical skills needed. However, companies are now seeking employees that can fill multiple roles. They are looking to consolidate positions that were occupied by several people in the past. Unfortunately, the only way to show whether or not you have these specific skills is if you list them on your resume. Those individuals who have a four-year degree are believed to have the necessary skills by the merit of their educations. A college education provides a brief introduction to many skills that employers are seeking.

Even if the earning potential alone is not enough incentive when it comes to the importance of earning a college degree, perhaps the reasons below will provide a little additional motivation.

1) Reaching for a degree gives challenge. Not much in life offers the same level of challenge of as returning to college. It can be frightening and exciting at the same time. Returning to school can open your eyes to new ideas. Learning challenges your preconceptions and tests the limits of your own experiences. Continuing education can open your mind to the thoughts and ideas of others.

2)A degree forces you to learn new skills. There is never a bad time to begin learning new skills. There is no age restriction on expanding your intellect. The truth is that as long as you open your mind to learning you are feeding your intellect and gaining new skills.

3) A degree can provide career advancement. Whether you realize it or not, a college degree is one of the quickest paths you can take to career advancement. It shows everyone around you your desire to improve.

Hopefully you can see how much a degree can affect you. It can improve so many things about your life. A degree improves how you view yourself and how you see the world around you. Make now the time to go back to school and earn your degree.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Online Education: Is It Right for You?

Living in the information age, we have grown so accustomed to having access to countless facts and figures with the mere click of a few buttons. It only makes sense that there are many people around the world embracing the idea of online learning and educational opportunities. However if you are one of those people who feel that the information age has left them behind to some degree the chances are quite good that online learning may not be the best available option for you.
Below you will find a few questions that can help you narrow down whether or not you would truly benefit by taking some of the many online courses that are being offered.

1) Are you disciplined? We would all like to think that we can discipline ourselves to some extent. The problem is that when you are in control of your own education you need to have more than some discipline. You need to be able to meet deadlines, take the tests, and hold yourself responsible for learning all the information that you need to in order to pass the course. There is no one to blame but yourself if you do not do well in your online classes.
2) How do you learn best? We all have different learning styles. Even though, one is not better than the other, we need to be certain which style we are. Online courses are reading intensive. If you have difficulties retaining the information you read you may need to find an alternate learning method or seek solutions with the assistance of the course instructor before moving forward in an online learning environment.
3) Do you have a true desire to succeed? The answer to this question is quite important in determining whether or not online learning is for you. This type of learning, more than any other is easy to give up on through apathy. If you aren't determined to do the assignments, to study the notes, and to really learn the material that is presented to you then you really do not need to waste yours or the instructor's time by continually making up excuses. Online courses are largely self-paced but you do have a limited amount of time in which to learn the material before you need to move on.

Whether you are a first time college student or a professional that is returning to school after a long absence online learning can open new doors of opportunity for your learning pleasure however in order to be successful you must be willing to walk through those doors and take the information that is presented to you. My hope is that before beginning everyone reading this will carefully consider whether or not the lack of structure of many online courses is going to be conducive to your specific learning and educational needs .

Friday, July 27, 2007


When we look at all the doubts, fears and insecurities that we wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that some, if not, most people are better than us. When, in reality, most people are more scared than we are.

Isn’t it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and think the same thing. We are jealous of other people who themselves are jealous of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.

One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend; someone who you are comfortable opening up with. Ask questions like “Do you think I am ill-mannered?”, “Do I always sound argumentative?”, “Do I talk too loud?”, “Does my breath smell?”, “Do I ever bore you when were together?” In this way, the other person will know that you are interested in the process of self improvement. Before you begin telling other people how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself are working to improve yourself. Open your ears for comments and criticisms. In return, you may want to help your friend with constructive criticism that will help them improve themselves.

Accepting your true self is the first step to self improvement so stop thinking of yourself as second-rate. Forget the repetitive thought of “If only I was richer… if only I was thinner ... if only I was something I’m not”. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others only to find out at the end that we’ve have 10 more reasons to envy them.

We all have our insecurities, because nobody is perfect. We always wish we had better things, better features, better body parts, etc. But life does not need to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves. Self improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best. It’s the virtue of acceptance and contentment. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel contented and happy.
Self improvement makes us better people, we inspire other people, and then everything else will follow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tips on Changing Careers - Establishing a Workable Career Plan

by: Nancy Lambert

7 Steps to Help You Change Careers and Establish a Workable Career Plan

If you are thinking of a career change or if you are trying to lay out a tangible career plan for yourself, there are several important things to consider.

Step One – Self Assessment

Self-Assessment is an important first step in considering where you are currently and discovering what direction you would like to go in the future. Some questions you might ask yourself include:

* What are my interests and aptitudes?
* What are my strengths and weaknesses?
* What are my major personality traits?
* Do I have areas of interest outside my current field?

Step Two – Consider Career Assessment Testing

Have you ever considered taking a Career Assessment Test? There are many of these tests available on the Internet that can be easily accessed and completed free of charge. This can be a great starting point to help you discover areas of interest that you might not have considered before.

Step Three – Set Goals and Objectives

It is also important to discover your goals and objectives for the future. Not only do you need to think about where you are in your current career, but also where you want to go, and how, when, and where you would like to advance in the future. In considering your own goals and objectives, some possible questions to consider are these:

* Where am I in my current career?
* What are the possibilities for advancement?
* Do I want to remain in the field I am currently in, or would I really like to pursue something of greater interest?
* Is there something else I’ve always really wanted to do?
* If I remain in the same area, what steps will I need to take for advancement?
* Are there credentials or certifications that would be helpful?
* Do I need to upgrade my degree to a higher level?
* Do I need to earn a degree in a completely different field

Step Four – Make a List of Possibilities

Making a list of all the possibilities that you are interested in considering is another helpful exercise. Start by listing all the jobs you might be interested in pursuing. If you have no qualifications in your areas of interest, think about what your options are for obtaining them. Can you attend classes locally or would online learning be a better choice for you? Many times your current family and work responsibilities weigh heavily on the choice for the convenience of online learning.

Step Five – Research Your Favorite Careers

After you have a list of possible interesting careers, choose your favorites and begin researching them. There is, of course, a wealth of knowledge on the Internet, but another great avenue is to talk to people who currently work in the field in which you are interested. You can also consider making an appointment with a career counselor at a local college or community college for assistance. Your local library is always an option -- peruse the library’s collection of career guide books. Researching should give you a better perspective and understanding of the careers that interest you and what steps you will need to take in order to pursue a new career.

Step Six – Narrow Your Choices

Once the research phase is complete, you must narrow your choices down and consider the pros and cons of each one. This will help you to make specific choices that you can begin to pursue.

Step Seven - Determine Educational Requirements

Once you make the choice, it is time to begin seriously considering the education options available to you. Begin by discovering what type of major is associated with the field and consider whether a minor would be beneficial in any way. Many careers do not require a degree; you can get into certain fields with certificates or diplomas. Once you establish yourself in the area of interest, you can continue to upgrade your credentials with certifications and even earn a degree online while you continue your work.

About The Author

Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Learning in the 21rst Century: The Educational Playing Field Is Leveled

by: Rose Musyoka

“I never try to teach my students anything, I only try to create an environment in which they can learn.” --- Albert Einstein The 21rst century is going to change how people learn and earn their degrees of choice. Many of the worlds’ top universities are studying distance learning’s many trends, so they’ll be ready for an entirely new type of student emerging today – distance learners. It is projected by both International Data Corporation and Gartner Group that the majority of students in colleges and universities throughout the world. Consider the factors that the top universities around the world are looking at, and be encouraged that the future of advanced education is coming to a personal computer near you. The educational playing field is getting leveled; and it’s making it much more affordable and available for anyone looking to improve themselves: Women have outnumbered men on college campuses since 1979, and are 60% of distance or online learning students who are over 25. For many women who are already committed to their families, communities and friends, interrupting their lives – especially those who are mothers – is very tough. Distance learning is going to give more women than ever before a chance to improve themselves, than has ever been possible in the past. What’s so exciting about this is the chance for women to achieve their potentials while caring for their family, friends and community. Foreign students no longer hindered by visas or green cards. For literally millions of students who want to attend universities in nations other than their native one, the hassles of getting even a visa to stay for a semester or year at a time are over. International Data Corporation predicts that 500,000+ foreign students, or 3.5% of total postsecondary enrollees, study online and spend over $13 billion over the time of their degrees. Gartner Group sees the potential of 1.6 million international distance-learning candidates by 2005. With the pervasive adoption of Internet access on virtually every continent, Gartner Group sees major growth globally for distance learning in highly developed and emerging nations as well. International Data Corporation predicts that by 2005 there will be 45 million users online in higher education alone. At the heart of why so many universities are focused on distance learning is that by 2005, the online education market will be $215B in revenue. Given the escalating costs of in-class courses and tuition fees, the worlds’ universities have no choice but to embrace distance learning and reach students where they are, with new programs that are affordable for those students on a global scale. Summary It’s a very bright future for anyone interested in getting to their educational goals with online learning programs. The worlds’ universities continue to see their costs escalate up for their traditional programs; online and distance learning is a low-cost approach for them to reach double or even triple the students they teach today. The bottom line is that the playing field for anyone in the world looking to better themselves through distance learning is getting leveled daily – a quality education is as close as a personal computer with an internet connection.
About The Author
Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information at and
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Are Never To Old To Go Back To School.

by: Kay Jones

You may have been out of school for 10, 15, or more years and you feel that you will not do well because you have lost touch. What you should realize is that now is the perfect time to go back to school. Why, because you have a desire. In our teenage years and young adult years our mind may not have been as settled as it is now. We were more than likely focused on the pleasures we thought life could bring. As we get older we tend to say, “If I knew then what I know now, I would have done this or that”. Now that we are older, we know what is best for us. Therefore, we know the importance of a good education. Most good paying jobs will not consider an application or resume if a certain level of education is not listed.

The most important reason you should go back to school is because once you get your education, it is yours and no one can take it from you. Learning is fun, especially when you find something you are interested in and when you have a desire to achieve what you think is impossible. Achieving a higher education will put you in positions you never thought of. A little knowledge here, a little knowledge there and you will be on you way to heights unimaginable. You may want to start your own business, or partner with a fellow classmate. There is no limit to what a good education will bring. Think positive and remember, if there is a will, there is a way. If you will to get a better job, if you will to increase you knowledge, if you will to excel, Education is the way. There is no need to be intimidated by the number of younger students that will be in the classes with you. They may be willing to help you in certain areas.

Why am I so adamant about going back to school and getting what you deserve? Approximately 17 years after I graduated from high school I went back to school and became certified as a nursing assistant and phlebotomist. After my phlebotomy training, I obtained two (2) back-to-back degrees of Associate in Applied Science. The first degree I obtained is in Office Systems Technology/Medical and the second in Computer Programming/COBOL, RPG, and VB. I am a single parent and I obtained the majority of my education working a full-time job. Close to the end of my schooling, I also had to care for a very ill family member who later passed away. I have a good job now and am getting ready to partner a business. If there is a will, there is a way.

So, what are you waiting for? Go back to school so that you too can reap the benefits of a good education and reach your dreams.

About The Author

Kay Jones has completed studies and earned the degrees of Associates in Applied Science Office Systems Technology with a concentration in Medical and Computer Programming with a concentration in COBOL, RPG, and VB. She can be reached at or her business address at

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Why Are More Adults Turning Towards Online Education?

by: Harris Jhosta
Over the last few years, online education has become a very popular concept. There are literally thousands of adults who have chosen to improve their lives by turning to online education. With this recent surge in popularity, many individuals are asking why so many adults are choosing to earn a college degree over the internet. Although the concept may seem strange at first, after understanding more about what online education really is and all the benefits it has to offer, it is easy to understand why so many adults are choosing online education. To begin with, one of the most obvious benefits provided by online education is flexibility. When attending a traditional college, you are forced to go to class on the schedule that is created by the college. This makes it impossible for many adults to attend a traditional university. Whether it is an obligation such as a full-time job or taking care of a family, a traditional university is not very conducive to a busy schedule. However, a program of online study does not have the same drawbacks that a traditional university does. Online education allows you to obtain a college degree on your own terms and schedule. Instead of needing to go to class three times a week, you can study on your timeframe. Whether you prefer to do your class work early in the morning or late at night, you have the freedom to create your own study schedule. This is one of the several benefits that makes degree programs a very popular option for adults. The flexibility provided by online education is not the only thing that makes it a popular choice for many adults. Online education is also very popular among adults because of the financial benefits it can provide. Traditionally, the cost of education at a regular college or university is extremely expensive. The reason for this high cost includes factors such as paying for utilities and other maintenance related expenses. However, when paying for an online course, the costs associated with traditional education are not present. Because you are not actually receiving your education in a classroom, you are not responsible for paying for the upkeep of any facilities. This makes online education a much more economical choice. Although online education does not require as much of a financial investment, this in no one means that the education you are receiving is any less valuable or rewarding than that provided by traditional universities. In addition to the benefits discussed above, there is another factor that makes online quick degrees education a popular choice among many adults. Online education provides adults many choices in what program of study they will follow. Regardless of what you are interested in, it is almost guaranteed that there is an online education program which fits your interests. The amount of programs available online provide a significant advantage over traditional forms of education. Before the advent of education, many people had to settle for the programs of study that were offered by institutions which were close by. If you wanted to study something unique or very specialized, the only way you could accomplish this was by physically moving to a new location which was closer to an institution that offered this program of study. However, thanks to the internet, this is no longer an issue. For more information about online degrees visit A significant number of adults have turned to online education for various reasons, and there are several factors which make this a very positive decision. In addition to being economical, flexible and broad, an online degree is a guaranteed way to improve your position in the workforce. Whether you are looking for a promotion or hoping to be interviewed for higher paying job, by choosing to earn an degree through the internet, you will be joining many other adults who have also made the choice to improve their lives through online education.
About The Author
Harris Jhosta is holding the market experience of IT industry and immense business solutions for about 2 decades now. His vast experience in the related field gave him the acclamation and renownship in many sectors of business. Harris has also been involved in providing educatinal services in form of various seminars and lectures, in many well renowned universties. Presently carrying a research on the evolution of business performance by the advent of Information Technology Ciphers in the state university of california. View their website at:
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Learning Skills - Eight Great Ones by: Steve Gillman

Learning effectively and efficiently requires some basic learning skills. In other words, we need to learn how to learn. Here are some ways to develop those skills. 1. Identify what is essential. This is one of the most important learning skills to develop. If you are learning to drive a car, getting used to the steering wheel, gas pedal and brake pedal are essential, right? All the rest can come later. Knowing the essentials helps you make sense of all the rest. If you are studying economics, for example, you need to understand supply and demand. Then it is easier to understand how good weather can depress commodity prices, or how government spending can drive prices up. How do you identify what is most essential? A simple way is to ask, "What is important here?" We often forget to do this. Ask yourself this question, but ask others too, if they are teaching you. In textbooks, the key points are often listed after a chapter. Read these first, and again after reading the chapter. 2. Relate new material to what you already know. Suppose you are a doctor, for example, and you are reading an article about car maintenance. Finding parallels between the two, like the concept of dirty oil and a blood toxins, will help you remember what you learn. Do this enough and you'll train yourself to automatically look for connections between things. You'll think more creatively, and improve your memory, because having more connections makes it easier to recall things. 3. Compare and contrast. Think to yourself "That's like this," or "How is that different from this?" This process categorizes and arranges facts and ideas in your mind, making them easier to access later. It is like using a mental filing cabinet instead of just piling things up on a mental desk. 4. Expose your mind to new material before you feel "ready," or have time to study. This first part of learning is where you look at new ideas and say, "huh?" Do it quickly, reviewing everything for a few minutes, and your unconscious mind will start "incubating" the new concepts, and finding some way to organize them. 5. Get curiosity and anticipation working for you. How do you create this state of mind? Try to leave each learning session with a question or two clearly in your mind. It will help create a sense of anticipation and curiosity that will help you the next time you approach the material. 6. Study as a teacher. This can totally change your perspective and make your learning more efficient. Keep the idea in mind that you will be teaching what you're learning. Imagine how you will teach it, even hearing the words you'll use. This is one of the more powerful learning skills. 7. Take breaks. Research shows that we remember best what we study first and last in a given session. Taking breaks creates more "sessions," and so increases the number of firsts and lasts. Fifteen or twenty minute sessions followed by two or three minute breaks works well for some, but experiment. 8. Imagine the uses for what you are learning. Of all the information you will be exposed to, so little of it is the "important stuff." However, by imagining how you'll use the new information, or at least how it could be used, you will tend to automatically focus on the things you really need to know. 9. Carry a list of the above tips and refer to it until these learning skills have become an automatic part of your study routines.
About The Author
Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on Learning Skills, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:
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The Ins And Outs Of Experiential Learning by: Tyler Bellamy

What is Experiential Learning? As it's name suggests, Experiential Learning could be most simply understood as learning by doing. Experiential Learning is often associated with contructivist learning theory. Why is Experiential Learning useful? The old adage of 'nothing beats some hands on experience' applies here. Through putting students in situations to build real world experiences, experiences that have both benefits and consequences, students are able to put their learnings into practice. Experiential Learning encourages students to make discoveries and experiment with knowledge themselves, instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of others. Think about when you were studying to be a teacher, if you were anything like me, then the most valuable time spent during your university/college education was the time spent on teaching rounds. How could I incorporate Experiential Learning in the classroom? Chances are if you've read through the what and why of Experiential Learning then you will already have formed some ideas about how best to incorporate this learning style in your own classroom. In the beginning stages of Experiential Learning, and depending on the age of your students, it is perhaps best to use things such as role plays, games and simulations of real life situations. Anything that will bring the subject your teaching out of the text book and into the 'real world' of your students. It may require you, as the teacher, to rethink the way you lead your class, leading to a more dynamic learning environment. If students are a little older Experiential Learning can move outside of the classroom. Longer terms projects that involve numerous elements both in and out of the classroom can work well, depending on the class. Preparing a school magazine is a prime example. Keep it interesting, but keep in grounded in the subject your leading. What are the benefits of Experiential Learning? The benefits for the students are obvious. Experiential Learning encourages students to think more freely about how their actions and knowledge can impact upon real world scenarios. I would argue that the key feature of Experiential Learning is the way in which it asks you, as the teacher, to change the way you view the classroom. It forces your teaching to become more dynamic and active as you, in effect, learn with your students, reviewing what works and what doesn't, and all the while improving. It helps prevent your teaching style from growing stale, and that can only be a good thing for everyone.
About The Author
Tyler Bellamy aka. 'The Principal' is the webmaster for a website providing a range of informative resources for teachers and education professionals. Join the free teaching forum at Please keep all links and 'about the author' section in place. Found at
Learning Good Study Habits by: Melissa Fishman

With many habits, the sooner you start practicing and developing good habits, the better chance you will have that you will continue with them. We all know that good study habits are essential to educational success. Good study habits are an important part of any student's success. We probably can diminish the academic dishonesty by promoting good study habits with students, and letting the students know that good study habits are very important when it comes to school. Still, even procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits, and improving your study habits is the key to better studying. Good study habits are a great tool to have in the toolbox of life. Many of the tips for success for online students are the same as those for students in an onsite classroom. Consider asking your school's student council to take on a study tips project. Following a few simple study tips can help students effectively learn new concepts and theories. There have been numerous published tips students can use as a guide for good study habits. A good way to stay organized is to use folders so you child can keep his/her assignments until needed and it is a great way of staying organized. Once children reach the grades where homework and tests are part of the curriculum, there are many things parents can do to encourage good study habits. An effective way to study is to study before and while you do the homework. A little amount of homework may help elementary school students build study habits. Being organized and having homework routines are the most important things in helping your child develop good study habits for life. All learning, however, is a process which settles into certain steps. Students with learning problems, however, may still have generally inefficient and ineffective study habits and skills. Becoming aware of your learning style will help you to understand why you sometimes get frustrated with common study methods. Effective study habits are a very import part of the learning process. Good study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment. If your study habits are weak, take a "study skills" course or have someone show you good study habits. The problem is that those high school study habits are hard to shake. Hard work and good study habits are assets that should be nurtured. Motivation and study habits are obviously crucial as well. Good habits are important for all students to protect investments of time and money and to achieve educational goals. After that experience your study habits are permanently altered, this will help your own preparation as you start teaching and last a lifetime. The main priorities are class attendance, time management, and great studying habits are necessary workings for an academic success.
About The Author
Melissa Fishman is the owner of Mailordermommy sells party favors
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Monday, May 21, 2007

For me self teaching involves self discovery.

I was told a long time ago that there are two types of focusing that people can use when working at anything. Of these two; spotlight & shotgun, we are predisposed to one or the other. I seem to lean heavily to spotlight and, as the name implies, it spotlights one particular task and pushes everything else into the background. This can explain why, as I teach myself, by trying to apply the theories that were shown to me, other things (this blog included) were kind of put on hold. It was not intentional, just a by-product of other production. I need to overcome this tendency to abandon one thing in favor of something else especially if I plan to go back to the first thing. Inattention to the other projects can result in a falling behind on them. A less than favorable task is to have to do something over that you would not have had to if you had just given it a little attention. My planner has helped me with this in the past and I need to start using it heavily again. If I write down all the things I need to do and approximately when I need to do them, I’ll stop forgetting to do little things like eat lunch when I get caught up in a project.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I Hope Everyone Had A Good Mother's Day.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Education has always been important with my family, but I recall learning was really stressed. A wise man once told me. ‘The day you stop learning you might as well lay down because your life is over.’
I have found from personal experience that there are several types of learning. The first that I have had experience with (as most people have) is the classroom\seminar. This worked O.K. for me when I was younger (I’m 50 now) but I don’t get the material as quickly as I used to, and the lecturer governs the pace not me. Since I usually did alright in school this does not stop, just hinder, me. The second that I have used is research. This method is not very efficient if all you are looking for is a quick, straight forward answer. It is too easy for me get drawn on tangents that are related but not necessary. Curiosity is good to a point but it can really slow the process. Finally I have used self study. It combines the best of both of the previous methods. I can pace myself and since the material has been predigested for me I am less likely to go off on a wild goose chase. You can get learning aides like these from several sources. The manufacturer (if they are reputable) is a good source for reference materials. There are also several independent companies that provide materials for a large number of manufacturers.